Information for interested parties This is an online survey system for securing feedback from various stakeholder groups (e.g. staff, parents, school board, students etc.) about various roles (e.g. school principal) and other topics of interest (e.g. schools, education programs, project proposals etc.). All surveys are confidential and remain the property of The responses are averaged by response group (e.g. parents, teachers, school board etc.) when generating the final report. This helps to ensure individual anonymity. It should be noted that responses for categories of 3 or less respondents (e.g., Principal, Deputy Prinicpal, APRA) will be collected from individuals where the notion of confidentiality and anonymity cannot naturally be offered. Individuals comprising these groups will be notified upon invitation to the survey regarding the nature of anonymity / confidentiality that can be offered. People being invited to the survey who have concerns about the anonymity of their responses are requested to select their ratings and wording in the survey carefully. If you are still concerned about being identified by your responses then you are encouraged to withold any comments to enhance anonymity. Once the survey opening date is reached and the online survey is finalized, the survey is opened and feedback is gathered from the various response groups. When the feedback is collected, reports are generated and a review is conducted by After the review a completed report is sent to the project manager in your organisation. The report provides an online, organized, comprehensive and objective framework for conducting reviews, and creates an effective platform for ongoing development of the school system. Our experience suggests that the reports are more effective when participants provide accurate, concrete and constructive feedback. Kind regards Admin System being upgraded |